June 2023
Strategies for Success Newsletter June 2023 Issue 210
Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.
In this June 2023 issue:
- Thoughts from Home
- Thoughts from the Office
- Josmo’s Cafe
- Stay Energized
- Thoughts from Home
My 10 most used pieces of life advice
- You can’t always be happy, but you owe it to the world to be cheerful.
- Do 25 sit-ups and 25 push-ups every day.
- Never burn a bridge.
- Do it for the experience.
- Take the high road.
- Remembering my mother’s words, “What does it cost you to be nice?”
- Action dissipates anxiety.
- Let people listen to themselves.
- Respect other people’s time.
- Always look your best.
- Thoughts from the Office
Are you a judger or a learner?
Two employees have the same job, report to the same supervisor, and have the same years of experience in the position. A recent system upgrade requires extensive training to become proficient. Both employees are given the same opportunity to learn the new applications. That’s where the similarities end.
The “judger” employee says to himself, “I’ll never learn this. It’s entirely different than the old system that works just fine, thank you. I’m going to get behind in my work while learning this.” Stress builds. Anger and frustration set in. The employee proves himself right – he doesn’t learn the system.
The “learner” employee says to himself, “This new system is different. I mastered the old one and I will master this one.” Eager to learn, this employee has an open mind, makes time for training, asks questions when he doesn’t understand, and makes notes to refer to.
Back on the job, the judger’s resistance to change and learning something new takes its toll. He worries about his job, what coworkers think, and what his boss will say. The learner, with confidence and purpose, takes his newfound knowledge and uses it to improve his job performance, help others when they have difficulty, and enhance his value to the department. His job satisfaction increases.
When presented with something new to learn, are you a judger or a learner?
Updated from a past issue.
- Josmo’s Café
Raspberry Crumb Bars are our new favorite dessert. Great texture of crunchy and gooey, not too sweet, and easy to make. Enjoy!
- Stay Energized
Have you been frustrated deciphering an online recipe because ads and videos are interspersed with the ingredient list and directions? Here’s the solution to remove all that clutter and start cooking! On Justtherecipe.com you simply paste the web address of the recipe you want and hit the Get Recipe button. Magically, the recipe appears in a straightforward printable format.
Our Energizer Minute for June is Check the level.
Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.
Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact emily@sellingstrategies.com.
© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.