July 2023
Strategies for Success Newsletter July 2023 Issue 211
Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.
In this July 2023 issue:
- Thoughts from the Office
- Thoughts from the Road
- Josmo’s Cafe
- Stay Energized
- Thoughts from the Office
Don’t dilute the soup
This experience came to mind when I learned that Ron Compton, a former general manager for Aetna Life and Casualty in the Pittsburgh office, passed away earlier this year. I started my career working for Ron as commercial casualty underwriter. He was a great mentor to me.
Ron made it a point to periodically take the trainees out to lunch. It wasn’t a preplanned or fancy meal. He’d just walk by and casually say, “Hey, do you have lunch plans today?” He’d take two or three of us across the street to a local diner.
One of my lunches with Ron was at the Souper Bowl. It was a hole-in-the-wall place full of Steeler paraphernalia and had good reliable food. As customary, we all ordered chili with extra saltine crackers. Moments later, the steaming bowls of chili arrived. Two bites into the chili, Ron announced, “This is the last time I’m eating here. They’re watering down the chili.” He went on, “Why do restaurants do that? Why, when a business has a great thing going, do they mess with success and drive away loyal customers by lowering their standards?”
Are you or your business guilty of diluting the soup? Intentionally or unintentionally, have you cut back on quality or customer service? Have you stopped following up with customers after a sale? Neglected to make annual phone calls to touch base or update their account? Is there someone in a position who is not doing a good job for your customers and you’re failing to do something about it?
Moral of the story. It never pays to dilute the soup.
- Thoughts from the Road
Walking the circle of life
My first experience with a labyrinth, the meditation and prayer spiral circle, was twenty-five years ago in San Francisco. Grace Cathedral on Nob Hill has an indoor and an outdoor labyrinth. The mindful walking experience represents a meandering, yet purposeful journey to our core, ultimately venturing back out in the world. I loved the serene space and reflective time walking each of them. Since then, I haven’t sought out labyrinths in my travels, so I’m always delighted when I happen upon one.
Last fall, John and I found a beautiful labyrinth within the Hopeland Gardens in Aiken, SC. In May, exploring historic Wilkesboro, NC, we discovered another at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Curious as to how many labyrinths there are and how many I’ve missed in my travels I did a search and uncovered some interesting facts.
It’s hard to say when labyrinths were first created. Some experts trace the oldest labyrinth back 4000 years. Some experts believe the oldest labyrinth was found in Greece around 1200 B.C.E. and other experts say the first recorded labyrinth was found in Egypt in the 5th century B.C.E.
The first Saturday in May is World Labyrinth Day. There is a worldwide labyrinth locator. I found thirteen labyrinths in the city of Charlotte. They are at churches, hospitals, and community centers. Designs are noted as classical, contemporary, or medieval. They can be constructed with dirt, canvas, concrete, brick, tile, slate, or chiseled travertine.
There are no “right” thoughts or a “right” way to walk the labyrinth. Walking the path mirrors our life journey with twists and turns while passing others walking in a different direction.
Learn more by visiting Labyrinth Resource Group whose mission is to encourage the creation and use of labyrinths as a path of healing, inspiration, and peace.
- Josmo’s Café
I love watermelon season so I can make my favorite Watermelon Salad with Basil and Feta. What a wonderful combination of flavors!
Here’s a reminder on how to easily make silk-free corn on the cob and be amused watching this old-fashioned video by Ken.
Selling Strategies Resources for in-house development
In-house group learning is back – thank goodness! Clients tell me that my three books – Selling from the Inside, Selling in a Hard Market, and Great Service Sells – continue to be valuable tools in developing a team culture to build relationships, retain business, and get referrals. Quantity discount pricing is $10.00 a book (mix and match) for orders of 25 or more plus shipping. Please reach out if interested.
- Stay Energized
Vacation Packing List by Mary Davis
For yourself, patience.
For everyone you meet, kindness.
For the soul, relaxation.
For plans, flexibility.
For the journey, gratitude.
For all the above, grace.
Our Energizer Minute for July is Plugging in.
Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.
Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact emily@sellingstrategies.com.
© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.