January 2023

January 2023

Strategies for Success Newsletter January 2023 Issue 205


Published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies
Copyright 2023 Emily Huling. All rights reserved.


In this January 2023 issue:

  1. Thoughts from Others
  2. Thoughts from the Office
  3. Josmo’s Cafe
  4. Stay Energized


  1. Thoughts from Others

It’s been almost 20 years since I watched Dr. Wayne Dyer, who passed away in 2015, present The Power of Intention on public television. In that inspiring talk and companion book, Dr. Dyer describes intention as an energy force that gives us the opportunity to connect and co-create. I still have the handwritten copy of the notes I took in August 2004 from that talk. Since January is the month of reflection and resolutions, I thought it would be meaningful to share Dyer’s Dozen.

  1. Want more for others than you want for yourself.
  2. Think from the end.
  3. Be an appreciator in your life.
  4. Stay in rapport with Source.
  5. Understand resistance.
  6. Contemplate yourself surrounded by the conditions you want to produce.
  7. Understand the art of allowing.
  8. Practice radical humility.
  9. Stay in a constant state of gratitude.
  10. Keep in mind that you can never resolve a problem by condemning it.
  11. Play the match game.
  12. Meditate

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life and Wishes Fulfilled are two other books by Dr. Dyer that are meaningful to me.


  1. Thoughts from the Office

Assess what it takes for career success

“By all rights I should be a waitress in a truck stop.”

Those memorable opening words were said to me by Kathryn, the owner of an independent agency. As a self-made professional, Kathryn wanted her staff to realize that it’s individual choices and actions that make-or-break career success. Here is the self-assessment we created to get those conversations started.

  1. I have a vision of my career path and a position I would like in the future.
  2. I have done a personal skill inventory to determine what I need to learn to achieve my career goals.
  3. I have a written personal development plan.
  4. I take initiative and volunteer for projects to advance my skills.
  5. I have a role model and/or mentor to help guide me in my development.
  6. I take advantage of learning programs my employer offers.
  7. I dress and behave like a person in a higher-level position.
  8. I read and/or take classes on my own to advance my professionalism.
  9. I pay attention to feedback my supervisor offers about my job performance.
  10. I have a strong business network to stay connected with the industry.

Whether you’re new to business or want to fast-forward your career, reflecting on these questions will advance your thoughts and actions to reach your goals.


  1. Josmo’s Café

Nothing better on a cold winter day than cooking comfort food that makes the house smell wonderful. Two of our favorite winter main dishes that do that are Chicken Marbella and Salmon Baked with Dijon Mustard Sauce.

Since I’m repeating recipes, don’t forget to make those yummy Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins. Perfect to have with a steaming cup of coffee or hot chocolate.


  1. Stay Energized

John gifted me two great daily desk calendars that will keep me learning and puzzling all year long. Life Hacks provides daily tips and tricks for easier and more conscious living and Daily Brain Games that will either keep me sharp or totally frustrated. Not sure what his real intention is on that one!

Our Energizer Minute for January is Lose Weight.


Please share any of my free stuff, articles, or newsletter content when proper credit is included.

Strategies for Success Newsletter is published by Emily Huling Selling Strategies. For further information, contact emily@sellingstrategies.com.

© 2023 Emily Huling Selling Strategies All rights reserved.

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